This is where you and other Ecofluency alumni (previous workshop and course participants) can find additional resources to further develop your skills.
This webpage is a temporary placeholder until I find the right platform to move this information to, and for you to be able to meet and practice with each other.
In the loop
This section keeps you in the loop about the progress of developing the Ecofluency alumni network. Why? Because transparency.
Choosing a membership platform is turning out to be quite a journey, because creating the network is basically like setting up a whole new website! So choosing wisely is important, before putting in the necessary effort, time and money - “measure twice, cut once”.
Early on, I knew I didn’t want to use a Facebook group. Even though it’s alarmingly popular, their business ethics and algorithm goals are not aligned with the integrity and ethos aimed for in Ecofluency. Plus, I’m meeting more and more people who are leaving it altogether. In fact, I’m very close to doing so, too.
And as highly rated as Mighty Networks is, I decided against it because of their Cookie Policy, for similar ethical reasons. I value your and my privacy, and their settings don’t allow you to reject any cookies. Instead, withdrawing your consent to cookies being placed on your computer to rake in personal information, means users either can’t use the site at all, or have to manage each cookie setting separately. This just doesn’t sit well with my ethics. There are other platforms that have less greedy cookie policies.
I’m now looking at Wild Apricot (delightfully quirky name) and some other platforms, but am not yet convinced that any of them is the right platform to align with for Ecofluency to grow.
So the search continues. I’ll keep you updated, right here!
Upcoming alumni meetings
This section notifies you of upcoming catch-up calls for you and other Ecofluency alumni to share stories and asking questions in a confidential setting (Zoom calls are not recorded).
Thursday 31 March at 10:00 or 18:00
Thursday 28 April at 10:00 or 18:00
Spaces are £15/ £10/ £5 p.p., and spaces are limited so that there’s enough time for each individual to share.
The income from these meetings helps me cover the cost of my time for organising and hosting the calls, as well as managing this webpage and expanding the resource base, while I look for and set up a better format (and most platforms require me to pay subscription).
If I have to postpone a call, you’d get to choose whether to join the postponed call, a different call, or be refunded.
Please email me to let me know which dates and times you’d like to book. I’m open to suggestions if none of these times work for you.
Ecofluency exercises
Integer tempus, elit in laoreet posuere, lectus neque blandit dui, et placerat urna diam mattis orci. Donec ac fringilla turpis. Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Q: What can I do if I have an intention, a clear question, but am not really sure who is the most appropriate Nature being to talk with about it? Is there a way to sense who is best to open dialogue with, or are there any rough guidelines for beings who are particularly well versed in different areas?
A: There are certain beings or people who have specific 'portfolios', which will depend on your belief system, e.g. St Brigid is the patron saint of cattle in the British isles, and Pan is responsible for managing nature spirits. The list is too long to type here, partly because I don’t know all their duties, and some duties overlap between different beings.
In my experience, most ancestral and other-than-human guides can help with almost anything that’s reasonable, like helping to manifest a new home within a few weeks (if it’s what you truly need), but I haven’t yet heard of or met any that will magically whisk away a fallen tree across the road into thin air.
Each member of our spirit team have their own spirit team - there’s a whole invisible ecosystem out there! - so if they can’t help you, they’ll refer you - “I know a guy who knows a guy who can help you with that…” (I sometimes imagine them sounding like 1950’s Italian mafia members in New York, cos it’s fun, but obviously they rarely sound like that, and they’re not dodgy).
You could start by asking whether any of the Nature guides you have available can assist you with a request, task or mission, and if not, to whom they could refer you. I have yet to hear of someone being refused assistance, because the benevolent and wise beings of Nature always want to help us.
Q: Can I ask Nature to help someone else?
A: This firstly depends on whether or not they are dependent on you, e.g. an animal or a child. If they are, then it is appropriate. If not, then you risk overstepping the boundary of that person’s self-responsibility and governance.
Secondly, it depends on whether you have permission to ask for help on their behalf. It’s always appropriate to ask for things like greater health, abundance, love and harmony for anyone else. But if we try to dictate how that happens, then we’re assuming that we know what’s best for that soul’s evolutionary journey needs, and disrespecting how it needs to happen.
For example, if your dog is old or ill and the vet recommends euthanasia, then you have every right to first ask the dog what he/she wants, including whether he/she wants help in passing on. I’ve often been surprised when I have clients with animals that do want help, and then the passing is often more peaceful.
But if your parent is terminally ill, then I’ve learned that it’s not up to us to pray for their survival, but rather that they receive all the support, guidance and love that they need to fulfil their eternal soul’s journey, whether it is to heal and live, or to die (no matter how untimely it may seem).
I would strongly urge that we always examine what is our motivation behind asking for help for someone, and how it is aligned with respecting the agency of that being’s soul.