Energy Field Clearings
Energy Field Clearings can be done for individual humans, animals, organisations, buildings or homes, and defined areas of land.
What are the benefits?
The aim of a clearing is to release and remove toxicities, blockages and harmful entities on an energetic level, which can prevent natural healing and spiritual evolution to occur, and often directly affect physical reality.
Clearings are often done when people feel that there is something ‘wrong’ in their body, in their personal or work life, or in their home, land or organisation, that doesn’t seem to get resolved using conventional methods like medical intervention or physical remediation (examples of this in the testimonials further down on this page). The same applies for an animal, home, organisation or piece of land.
In humans, animals, buildings and organisations, stuck energies often negatively influence mental clarity, emotional regulation, and awareness of and insight into the root cause of illness and disease symptoms, harmful habits, relationship dynamics, and spiritual development.
In land, the same symptoms can be experienced, and stuck energies can also affect behaviour and health of plants, animals, and all species, which affects growth, fertility, yield and product quality, water tables and water retention capacity, and overall health and harmony of the system.
A clearing helps the system to re-pattern on multiple levels, and find natural balance more easily.
Please scroll down for testimonials from previous clients.
Please note that I am not a health practitioner or therapist, so this does not replace any professional medical or psychotherapeutic diagnosis or treatment. However, these clearings can add valuable insight to your situation, and can help inform a holistic decision-making process in taking the next steps.
What happens during a clearing?
Numerous parameters about the client’s or organisation’s energetic health are measured at the start and end of the clearing. Various kinds of entities can be cleared (including but not limited to earth-bound spirits/ghosts, lower astrals, demonic beings, and harmful ETs), as well as curses, active ancestral traumas, portals and vortices. Repairs are done for toxic cords, and rips, splits & tears in the client’s field. I may also do soul retrieval, chakra/energy centre alignment and balancing, as well as elemental rebalancing, and more.
For land, additional aspects include identifying certain physical and non-physical allies in the landscape for the spirit of place (which could also be called the land guardian, overarching intelligence of place, Genius Loci), removing trauma held in the landscape from human and non-human origin, adjusting patterns of historic/ current/intended use and patterns of interference, and closing harmful portals and vortices.
Land/home and personal clearings can’t be combined into one clearing and need to be booked separately, mainly because they require different protocols. I use protocols that I learned from my teachers, adapted through my own experience, and also intuitively work with whatever arises that’s most urgent.
How long does it take?
Clearing are done offline and remotely, and can take anything from 1.5 to 3hrs (excluding report write-up and follow-up call). For humans and animals, I usually work with a photograph of the person if I haven’t met them, so I don’t require them to be physically present.
The client can carry on with normal activity, but ideally they are more restful on the day of the clearing. One could either feel very tired, or very energised, or feel nothing. But one can never predict how you'll feel.
Afterwards, I send a written report to clients, and we have a follow-up call over Zoom that can be recorded if you wish, to help integrate and stabilise the work done. This is done on the day of the clearing, or as soon as possible afterwards.
For 3 days after personal clearings, it's recommended to avoid the following while your energy field settles: excessive screen time; sexual contact of any kind (including kissing); pork; alcohol, drugs and other intoxicants; and visits to places that have lots of people and/or dense, toxic energy, such as hospitals, churches, graveyards, sports grounds, public transport hubs, clubs etc.
Ideally, this is extended for up to 4 weeks after the clearing, and it’s recommended to increase your psychic hygiene practices. Notes are given on this if you are new to this.
It’s important for my and the client’s safety that I feel strong for clearings and that I have full privacy while doing it.
I travel regularly for work and teaching events, and sometime need to adjust the timing of my clearing sessions to ensure I can engage with your booking using my full energy and concentration. So, if for any reason I can’t do it on the day that I’ve booked and need to postpone it, I will let you know and will reschedule to the next date that suits us both. I always trust that a clearing happens when it’s most appropriate, and the timing is often guided by those wiser than us humans.
How much does it cost?
The fee for clearings is £200 / €240 / $270 / R4500
Please inform me of your timezone and currency/country of payment when enquiring about a booking, so that I can send you the relevant booking times and banking details. Bookings are only secured once payment has been received in advance, asap after a clearing date has been set.
While much of my other work is offered on a sliding scale or pro bono basis, this part of my work with Ecofluency is not, and I do not make exceptions. This is because the total time that I put into a clearing takes up to a full day, and I can only do maximum 2 clearings per week, as it is far more intensive than teaching and consulting. Thank you for understanding.
(Of course, payments higher than the above are greatly appreciated, as they help me to continue offering much of my teaching and consulting work on a pay-what-you-can basis.)
To book a clearing, please email me at
Thank you.
If you are interested in this work, but working with me in this way doesn’t resonate with you, or if I need to rather refer you, I recommend one of my teachers, Emma Fitchett (her previous surname was Farrell), for personal clearings. Her website is
For land clearings, I recommend another teacher of mine, Dr Patrick MacManaway. His website is
For addressing the relationship dynamics and patterns in the energy field of a family or group of people, I have found that Family Constellations are deeply helpful, but I have reservations about the lack of energetic boundaries often found in constellations done by other facilitators. The most efficient ancestral healing work I’ve done has been through course work with Ancestral Medicine, created by Dr Daniel Foor.
“I began working with Saskia during a challenging time in my fertility journey, while she was being interviewed for Journey Within, a wellness TV show I was producing in South Africa in August 2023.
After several miscarriages, I had gone through a difficult year where I couldn’t conceive. Doctors eventually discovered a polyp or calcified fibroid in my uterus that would require surgery. Although it was reassuring to finally have a potential solution, the operation was scheduled six months away, leaving me in a state of limbo and frustration.
I decided to have a clearing with Saskia, hoping to uncover what my body might be withholding to prevent fertility.
During the clearing, we discovered that I was carrying a significant amount of ancestral trauma and had unwanted entities in my energy field. Deep-rooted fears surfaced: fear of childbirth, the pain associated with it, and an intense fear of becoming like my own mother, a notion I had always resisted.
The energy clearing was a turning point. Shortly after the session, I conceived naturally, but didn’t know it until I went to the hospital for my scheduled operation. I fainted unexpectedly, which delayed the procedure. As it turned out, I was already pregnant! It was as if something greater was protecting me and guiding me away from the surgery.
Once I discovered I was expecting, I had another session with Saskia to ensure this little soul felt welcome, and that I was the perfect vessel for her to come into this life. Today, our daughter is 11 weeks old and perfectly healthy.
If it weren’t for Saskia’s energy clearings, I’m not sure I would be a mother today. Her work has profoundly impacted my life, and I am forever grateful for the healing she brought into my journey.””
“This is profound work and not to be taken lightly.
I approached Saskia to do an energy clearing on a family member who had been suffering from mental illness. They were subsequently hospitalised and Saskia suggested that the clearing was put on hold until they were more stable - this was the first hint of the care, attention and thoroughness that Saskia puts into the energy clearing process. I opted to have the clearing done on myself instead, and what a good decision that turned out to be.
The preparation and attention to detail before, during and after the treatment was very, very good.
I knew when the treatment was taking place and had organised a very quiet day with no work meetings. I knew what to expect during the treatment and how to manage myself afterwards. For about 2 hours on the day I was aware of “something” happening - there was a sense of energy moving around my head, then my heart area, and finally flushing out of my feet. It was a very calming sensation, I felt very relaxed and afterwards went for an hour long nap.
I slept very deeply that night, and in the following days felt more mentally clear and alert than I have in years. The report and follow-up call over Zoom were in depth and detailed. The feedback resonated very deeply and the findings were spot on and provided profound support and deeper understanding for this stage of my life’s journey.
Following the treatment, I have felt clear, in tune and in the flow. There were two significant life events within a month - both felt effortless and worked out very smoothly. Admittedly, they had both been coming for some time, but it is interesting that after the treatment they both happened so naturally and quickly.
I highly recommend the Energy Field Clearing done by Saskia - read the preparation and post-treatment information carefully; this is powerful work.””
“I was directed to Saskia 1.5 months ago by a friend, to book an Ecofluency consultation about my 12 year old daughter, Isla, who has been moving through a significant scoliosis journey for the last 2.5 years, with a very high curve in her thoracic spine.
Isla and I had been working with alternative spine therapy and adjustments for a long time, focusing very strongly on preventing surgery planned 2 months after the consultation with Saskia. However, her scoliosis kept getting worse and the reality of surgery was becoming increasingly closer.
Knowing the importance of the spine at an energetic level, my intuition was that there was more to this, and to persevere in digging deeper to understand what was beneath the surface.
Saskia enabled a very important turning point for Isla, and the timing of Isla’s subsequent energetic clearing with Saskia was crucial. Through my own healing work, I understand the importance of energetic clearing taking place first at the metaphysical level, in order for the physical to heal.
Saskia carried out a deep forensic clearing, removing what was prohibiting Isla from fully healing. What came up related to her spine deformation including ancestral, other lives and what was present in her energy field at the time. When she shared with me what was found, I had a new sense of Hope that we could in fact turn this around.
About 3 weeks after Isla’s clearing, I am very grateful to share that our daughter’s scan shows very good signs of improvement, and her spine curve has not only stopped increasing, but the curve is now decreasing, and the rotation is also coming back into correct alignment!
We have put a hold on the operation indefinitely, and are working with a focused and holistic therapy programme to bring her physical body back into alignment.
I have also witnessed other significant shifts in my daughter: an improved and much stronger immune system, increased energy, happier and confident, focused, and with a new found sense of vibrancy about her.
I am very grateful for Saskia’s open and calm presence, the gifts that she brings, and the way she was able to tune into which pre- and post clearing vibrational plant medicines that I practice with here in Aotearoa would work in this instance.
I would highly recommend Saskia’s skills to anyone who is appreciating the importance of energetic integrity and true holistic health and well-being, as we reconnect to the healing powers present within Ourselves, Nature and the Cosmos.””
“The energy clearing Saskia did was the most comprehensive and detailed energy work I’ve experienced and even heard about.
On the day of the clearing I started feeling my energy changing. The follow-up call and report were instrumental in anchoring what happened in my awareness and also got my questions answered. I couldn’t take it all in and over the next few days it was interesting how the information was coming together to reveal dysfunctional emotional and mental patterns and life events where I got stuck.
Physically, I felt lighter and more mobile, layers of fatigue were lifting off of me.
Emotionally, there were several times of releasing stuck emotions but it wasn’t overwhelming. I started to feel differently about myself, see through the ways I was putting myself down or allowing it from outside. I feel night sleep has become deeper.
Also, I notice I don’t get overwhelmed by other people’s needs, reactions or expectations that much, which was a big issue for me before, or I bounce back from it much faster. I feel more centered when interacting with others and when I get triggered, I quickly become aware of it.
It was also interesting to see how my cat perked up considerably and his prolonged inflammation was almost gone, which truly is a testament to how all beings are connected and responsive. It also expanded my perspective on plant consciousness which is far beyond what I knew before.
All in all, deep work that I’m sure I’ll continue to benefit from in the next weeks or even further.””
“I was referred to Saskia for a consultation, because I was having many challenges on my property. Personally, I felt scattered and not able to decide how to move forward, so I booked an energy clearing for myself, too.
Since then, I can honestly say that things started to clarify in my head, and I’ve started making decisions that I hadn’t felt confident about before.
Now, 3 weeks on, I feel that this was one of the best things I did for myself.
Saskia is compassionate and kind, and her intuition is straightforward. I am looking forward to having her care and assistance on my journey forward.””
“The energetic clearing had a very strong impact on me.
At first, I was quite exhausted and just sat around for 3 days afterwards. But the most noticeable effect then, was that I was able to go out into the garden and just sit, which I had not been able to do since I moved here four years ago - I would feel too unsettled and I would just have to get up and go inside.
I used to get up for sunrise regularly in my previous home, but it has just not been possible for me here, until now. Starting about 3 days after the clearing, I have been sitting outside at sunrise for about 30- 60 minutes each day. This has been easy for me to do, and this alone has been a hugely positive change in how I feel about being here.
Another really noticeable change is that the isolation I have felt so strongly here has begun to shift. New possibilities of working together with others here in the village have arisen and a number of friends from other places have all suddenly gotten in touch, and some are planning visits here.
I’ve tried a number of times over the past five years to find someone to work with to help alleviate some of the problems in my garden. About 10 days after the clearing, I was able to find someone to do the work. And although there have been some challenges, I think the work is being done in a good way for the land.
I would highly recommend a clearing with Saskia, and I’m booking in additional clearings for the land itself .””
“I’d previously had a Nature communication consultation with Saskia about a highly stressful situation involving a seemingly unresolvable land dispute/ court case between my close family and a neighbour, which had been resolved surprisingly and peacefully through mediation shortly after following the advice from the land from the consultation.
I contacted her again for help with communicating with a piece of land near our house which has a very large development planned. In consultation with the land, we were asked to put aside our attachment to stopping the development, and before we could start working properly with the land, she gleaned that an energetic clearing of the land was needed.
The findings were really mind blowing, and she is very willing to go into any amount of detail to explain how the process went. The clearing meant that we could work with more clarity with the land, and even though this development still looks to be going ahead, it felt as though the land and myself were more supported and connected in the whole process.
I experienced Saskia to be very thorough and knowledgeable, always working with integrity. It is evident that she cares very deeply about every human and other-than-human with whom she works, and I strongly recommend working with her if you are considering it.””
“Saskia did two clearings for me - personal and land. I had a strong sense of her groundedness and integrity from the outset.
I found working with her a delight, she made me feel very safe and comfortable.
She writes clear, timely reports after each clearing, and it’s great that you can follow up in a call with her and hear more insights.
I found her to provide a very professional service”. ”
“I first contacted Saskia for animal communication with my cats, and then worked with her on my own health in two energetic clearings.
The results have been amazing at times, she has discerned very specific, apparently random information that she could not have otherwise known. More than once, even I only realised it was true only after the session, which is really confirming.
After the clearings, I have felt benefits within myself, physically, mentally and emotionally, and they have given me greater insight into myself, for which I am very grateful.
Saskia is wonderfully insightful, a very safe pair of hands and truly gifted.
I don’t hesitate to recommend her.””